Lesson AFNR:B2-4
FFA Chapter Leadership
CD AFNR.  Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources AFNR (FFA/SAE/Leadership)
Unit B.  FFA
Problem Area 2.  Student, Chapter, and Community Development through FFA
Lesson 4.  FFA Chapter Leadership
Why is the FFA president symbolized by the rising sun?
a)because it represents a labor and tillage of the soil
b)because it represents a new era in agriculture
c)because it represents progress in agriculture
d)because it represents leadership at its best

Answer: b
What important task does the vice president do along with the president and the advisor?
a)keep records and minutes of meetings
b)appoints committees on various topics
c)tracks the progress of chapter goals
d)coordinates all activities for the POA

Answer: c
How are the duties of the FFA treasurer similar and compared to those duties of George Washington in his time?
a)because George Washington had an accountant that did all of his financial records
b)because George Washington was a farmer who was careful and accurate with his financial records
c)because George Washington was the father of our country and is respected
d)because George Washington was a good war hero and should be represented by FFA

Answer: b
What is unique about the FFA officer who is elected as the sentinel?
a)He/she orders pizza for the FFA meeting.
b)He/she assists the president in maintaining order.
c)He/she prepares students for events and activities.
d)He/she writes a report for each FFA event.

Answer: b
How does the FFA officer team begin the opening ceremony?
a)The president taps the gavel to get attention and proceed as indicated.
b)The vice president will take the roll call and see how many members are there.
c)The secretary reads the minutes from the last meeting and makes comments on them.
d)The treasurer gives a full financial report so that everyone knows how much money they have.

Answer: a
What important group of FFA members are appointed for a specific function?
a)a group

Answer: d
The Program of Activities (POA) is a road map to guide an FFA chapter. Who develops the POA?
a)the chapter members
b)the chapter officers
c)the greenhands
d)the advisor

Answer: b
What is unique about the student development section of the POA?
a)it promotes the fact that students write the POA and share their ideas and opinions on several topics
b)it promotes the economic perspective of the POA and the FFA chapter as a whole
c)it promotes leadership, personal growth, and the SAE activities
d)it promotes the SAE, how the teacher teaches classes, and the financial records of the FFA chapter

Answer: c
What is the Model of Excellence award that is given each year at the National FFA Convention?
a)the POA that made the most money
b)the POA that is rated highest in the nation
c)the POA that did the most activities
d)the POA that sold the most FFA merchandise

Answer: b
What division of the POA would the finance committee fall under?
a)student development
b)chapter development
c)committee development
d)business development

Answer: b
Who is in charge of making the procedures to follow during the opening and closing ceremonies?
a)the State FFA Officer Team
b)the National FFA Officer team
c)the National FFA Foundation
d)the National FFA Organization

Answer: d
What is one of the many responsibilities of the advisor of the FFA chapter?
a)making and helping with the distribution of handouts for the meetings
b)informing students and their parents about the FFA
c)planning public information programs with radio and TV stations
d)preparing and submitting a membership roster

Answer: b
How does the owl serve as the symbol for the FFA advisor?
a)It represents a time-honored figure of knowledge and wisdom.
b)It represents a time-honored person who follows orders.
c)It represents an orderly and responsible person.
d)It represents the importance of being wise and smart.

Answer: a
Why does the United States flag symbolize the reporter position?
a)because the flag represents unity in the U.S.
b)because the flag represents how the U.S was founded
c)because the flag represents that FFA is a national organization
d)because the flag has 50 stars representing 50 states

Answer: c
What officer position is represented by the plow?
a)the president
b)the vice president
c)the sentinel
d)the reporter

Answer: b