Lesson HGD:A5-2
Plan Activities to Promote Acceptance of All Cultures and Abilities
CD HGD.  Human Growth & Development
Unit A.  Lesson Planning
Problem Area 5.  Recognizing Cultural Diversity
Lesson 2.  Plan Activities to Promote Acceptance of All Cultures and Abilities

1. What is a prejudgment or particular direction given to someone or something?

a. bias

b. confidence

c. neutrality

d. self-esteem

Answer: a

2. _________ is the shared values, attitudes, and beliefs of a group of people.

a. Culture

b. Development

c. Evolution

d. Refinement

Answer: a

3. Bias can be _________ when humans are willing to learn about different cultures.

a. amplified

b. increased

c. reduced

d. strengthen

Answer: c

4. What do generalizations lead to?

a. aspects

b. phases

c. simplification

d. stereotypes

Answer: d

5. Which of the following is a common generalization of cultures?

a. clothing choices

b. driving habits

c. shopping choices

d. payment choice

Answer: a