Lesson BTS:C2-1
Exploring Animal Genetics and Probability
CD BTS.  Biotechnology Systems
Unit C.  Demonstrate the Application of Biotechnology to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR)
Problem Area 2.  Applying Biotechnology to Animal Systems
Lesson 1.  Exploring Animal Genetics and Probability

1. What term is used to describe the zygote when two haploid gametes containing the same allele of a gene come together during fertilization?

a. dominant

b. heterozygous

c. homozygous

d. recessive

Answer: c

2. The particular location of a gene on a chromosome is referred to as the gene’s

a. allele

b. autosome

c. genome

d. locus

Answer: d

3. What is phenotype?

a. an organism’s physical or outward appearance

b. the actual genetic code of an organism

c. traits of controlled by a single pair of genes

d. traits an organism controlled by several pairs of genes

Answer: a

4. What is a matrix that provides a technique for predicting genotype?

a. Bakewell’s equation

b. Mendel’s law

c. Punnett square

d. quantitative table

Answer: c

5. What is a mutation?

a. the appearance of a new trait in the offspring that did not exist in the genetic makeup of the parents

b. the formation of new chromosomes resulting from the splitting and rejoining of the original chromosomes

c. the likelihood of a trait being passed on from parent to offspring and expressed

d. the tendency for certain traits to appear in groups in the offspring

Answer: a
Hogs have a total of 38 chromosomes, which form 19 pairs. A pair of chromosomes is known as _____.
b)duplicated chromosomes
c)heterozygous chromosomes
d)homologous chromosomes

Answer: d
What is a cell that contains the normal two sets of chromosomes?

Answer: a
What are four nitrogen bases found in DNA?
a)adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine
b)adenine, cytosine, purine, and pyrimidine
c)cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil
d)methydine, oxydine, pyrimidine, and thymine

Answer: a
In Angus cattle, the black gene (B) is dominant to the red gene (b). What are three possible genotypes in this breed?
a)Bb, Bb, and Bb
b)BB, Bb, and bb
c)black, red, reddish black
d)two black and one red

Answer: b
The dominant allele E produces black pigment in the coat of a horse. The recessive allele e produces red pigment. What would have to happen for a horse to have a red coat (i.e., chestnut, sorrel, palomino and red dun)?
a)Both of its parents would have to have a recessive allele.
b)Both of its parents would have to have a red coat.
c)One of the parents would have to have a dominant allele.
d)One of the parents would have to be homozygous recessive.

Answer: a
What are traits controlled by several pairs of genes and are expressed across a range?
a)dominant traits
b)qualitative traits
c)quantitative traits
d)recessive traits

Answer: c
Sex chromosomes determine the sex of a zygote. Which is the most probable scenario to produce a mammal female offspring?
a)X female zygote receives an X from a male sperm
b)X female zygote receives an Y from a male sperm
c)Y female zygote receives an Y from a male sperm
d)Y female zygote receives an Y from a male sperm

Answer: b
Two animals are bred and the resulting offspring are not what was expected. What would be a likely explanation?
a)closely related parents
b)crossover of genes
c)recessive genes dominate
d)sex-linked traits

Answer: b
What takes into account a single trait and is represented by a single set of letters in a Punnett square?
a)dihybrid cross
b)individual cross
c)monohybrid cross
d)polygenic cross

Answer: c
What is any of the segments of a chromosome that contain the hereditary traits of an organism?
d)nitrogenous base

Answer: b