Lesson CA:B2-1
Basic Nutrition Concepts: Nutrients, Nutritional Value, and Balanced Diets
CD CA.  Foods, Nutrition, and Culinary Arts
Unit B.  Culinary Science
Problem Area 2.  Nutrition
Lesson 1.  Basic Nutrition Concepts: Nutrients, Nutritional Value, and Balanced Diets

1. Which of the following is a macronutrient?

a. hormone

b. mineral

c. protein

d. vitamin

Answer: c

2. What is a calorie?

a. the heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius

b. the energy stored in food that will convert to one gram of fat when eaten

c. the measure for the amount of carbohydrate, fat, or protein in any type of food

d. the temperature at which a gram of carbohydrate, fat, or protein becomes fattening

Answer: a

3. Which statement is true of healthy fat sources?

a. They are found in red meats and dairy products.

b. They are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

c. They are high in saturated fats and cholesterol.

d. They should be the primary source of fiber in a diet.

Answer: b

4. What are those foods that have been manipulated, assembled, or reassembled into formed foods that are ready to eat or that require only minimal cooking or heating prior to eating?

a. fiber-rich foods

b. genetically modified foods

c. nutrient-dense foods

d. processed foods

Answer: d

5. What is a diet that provides all the required food groups and nutritional elements in the proper quantities?

a. balanced diet

b. food group

c. food pyramid

d. low-carb diet

Answer: a