Lesson PLGL:B1-1
Federal Court System
CD PLGL.  Paralegal Services
Unit B.  Litigation
Problem Area 1.  Court Jurisdiction
Lesson 1.  Federal Court System

What are the trial courts of the federal court system?

a. appellate courts

b. bankruptcy courts

c. district courts

d. specialty courts

Answer: c

How many associate justices sit on the Supreme Court?

a. 6

b. 7

c. 8

d. 9

Answer: c

_____ is a court that has the power to be the first to hear the case before any other court review.

a. Exclusive jurisdiction

b. General jurisdiction

c. Limited jurisdiction

d. Original jurisdiction

Answer: d

Federal courts are courts of _____ jurisdiction

a. concurrent

b. exclusive

c. limited

d. original

Answer: c

The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims is a type of _____.

a. appellate court

b. bankruptcy court

c. district court

d. specialty court

Answer: d