Lesson NRES:G1-2
Solid Waste Treatment
CD NRES.  Natural Resources and Environmental Systems
Unit G.  Waste Management
Problem Area 1.  Waste Treatment
Lesson 2.  Solid Waste Treatment

What is waste consisting of paper, wood, metals, glass, plastic, organic material, and contaminated soil?

a. construction and demolition waste

b. industrial waste

c. municipal solid waste

d. special waste

Answer: c

What is a method of waste treatment that involves the burning of organic substances within the waste; some systems are designed to generate electric power.

a. composting

b. disinfecting

c. incinerating

d. sterilizing

Answer: c

What is a major landfill concern because it consists of water that is contaminated by contact with wastes?

a. biomass

b. compost

c. leachate

d. sludge

Answer: c

What is a particularly important benefit of incineration?

a. It greatly reduces the amount of waste going to landfills.

b. It produces useful flue gases, dioxins, and heavy metals.

c. It is the primary source of electricity generation in the U.S.

d. The byproducts can go directly to commercial composting sites.

Answer: a

What is an organic material that can be used as a natural fertilizer and soil amendment to enrich or improve soil consistency?

a. compost

b. flue ash

c. leachate

d. sludge

Answer: a
What makes up the largest portion of municipal solid waste?
a)metal and glass
b)organic materials

Answer: b
Concrete, wood, asphalt, gypsum, metals, bricks, glass, plastics, trees, rocks, and earth are typical of _____ waste.
a)construction and demolition
c)municipal solid

Answer: a
There has been growing concern of how to treat nonhazardous solid wastes. Which treatment is most vital to the conservation of natural resources?

Answer: d
A lab technician wants to destroy potentially harmful microorganisms. Which is the most effective means of treatment?
c)long-term storage

Answer: d
Which is true of landfill gas?
a)Burning landfill gas produces less pollutants than burning natural gas.
b)Landfill gas contains about ninety percent the energy of natural gas.
c)Landfill gas is considered a renewable resource in the category of biomass.
d)Landfill gas production is slow and accumulation peaks after 50 years.

Answer: c
What is the main reason why landfill liners are important?
a)to close the system for the collection of landfill gas
b)to funnel leachates into an industrial septic system
c)to keep the waste from polluting groundwater
d)to prevent soil microbes from contaminating trash

Answer: c
Which is the biggest benefit of incineration over other types of waste treatment?
a)90 percent of the total ash formed is used for beneficial purposes.
b)Ashes, flue gases, and other releases are harmless to humans.
c)Chemical compounds and disease-causing bacteria are destroyed.
d)Dioxins and heavy metals are completely eliminated from the ash.

Answer: c
Which method of solid waste treatment greatly reduces the volume of waste?
d)long-term storage

Answer: b
How is compost produced?
a)by biological decomposition through the action of decomposers
b)by inoculating organic matter with decomposing scrubbers
c)by physical alteration of organic matter by mechanical means
d)by placing organic materials in an anaerobic environment

Answer: a
What items should be avoided when making compost?
a)fireplace ash
b)hair and fur
c)nut shells
d)pet wastes

Answer: d