Lesson ALSA:C2-2
The Cell Membrane and Material Transport
CD ALSA.  Advanced Life Science- Animal
Unit C.  Molecules and Cells
Problem Area 2.  Cellular Biology
Lesson 2.  The Cell Membrane and Material Transport

What is an example of the basic role of the proteins found in the membranes of cells?


  1. To transport messages and materials through the cell membrane
  2. To aid in the specialized function of cells
  3. To adhere to cells or a cell to a specialized protein
  4. All of the above
Answer: d

Why do cells eventually die if placed in a hypertonic substance?


  1. The environment contains a lower concentration of dissolved substance than the sac
  2. The environment and sac are of similar concentrations of a dissolved substance
  3. The dissolved substance is of a higher concentration than the solution found in the sac
  4. None of the above
Answer: c

By what two processes do vesicles form in cells to allow for membrane permeability?


  1. Osmosis and Mitosis
  2. Exocytosis and Endocytosis
  3. Exocytosis and Osmosis
  4. None of the Above
Answer: b

_______________ transport requires no extra energy to perform the crossing of a cell membrane, while ________________ transport uses ATP to carry out functions.


  1. Passive, active
  2. Receptor-mediated, bulk-phase
  3. Phagocytosis, Pseudopods
  4. ATP, DNA
Answer: a

What important functions of the endomembrane systems are crucial to life?


  1. Production of lipids
  2. Modification of polypedtide chaines
  3. Degrading of toxins
  4. All of the above
Answer: d

In the first stage of cellular respiration, glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm of cells in a process called


  1. Cellular metabolism
  2. Krebs cycle
  3. Glycolysis
  4. Fermentation
Answer: c